6 thoughts on “Stay in touch

  1. Hi, is there a way to subscribe to your blog? Found this so interesting. Thanks

  2. my ELCA Lutheran church tried to get a rainbow sticker but a large percentage of members have to take classes and pass a test. We have gay and lesbian members so we just let it go.

  3. hey there
    read some of your stuff through “Unfundamentalist Christians” connections. I share your spiritual stance. You are young and bright and articulate. Good for you! Don’t stop! Journey on. Thank you. YAY.

  4. I just started dabbling around different posts on your blog and I really love your writing style! I don’t know if I entirely agree with everything you have to say but I give your props. One for being courageous enough to share how you feel and two for not being ashamed for believing what you believe. I too am a feminist and a Christian!


  5. Hi Sarah,
    I’ve been subscribing to your blog for a while now and have enjoyed reading your insights. Just thought I’d let you know that your link to this new site (on the old page) isn’t working.

    • Thanks for letting me know! I tried to fix it last night too, but for some reason it’s just not working. I’m not sure why! I’ll try to figure it out again.

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