
Welcome readers!

My name is Sarah Moon, and I am a writer and student. I am currently attending Bowling Green State University in Ohio, pursuing a degree in Women’s Studies.

I am a feminist and a member of BGSU’s Organization for Women’s Issues. I am passionate about reconciling my Christian faith with feminism, and about helping to make the church a better place for women everywhere.

I’m opinionated, but I appreciate other points of view, so feel free to ask me any questions!

Enjoy the blog, and if you have any questions, email me at

Also, if you’d like to stay connected you can add me as a friend on facebook or follow me on twitter.


17 thoughts on “Author

  1. hey Sarah, the comment under “teach us to number our days” is actually mine. I didn’t realize that I was in one of my old accounts. In any event, I meant what I said… blessings!

  2. very thought provoking… I like it!

  3. Pingback: G.R.A.C.E. Promoting Feminist Articles | dorightchristians

  4. I, too, am a self-proclaimed feminist Christian. I have a feeling that we see things a bit differently than one another, though. I’ll be interested to read what you think on varying issues that come up. God bless!

  5. After reading your Freshly Pressed post, I now discover a fellow Falcon … well, for my wife and I, of many years ago. Heck, I will even share this one with you.

  6. I love your vision of wanting to connect feminism and religion. Christianity needs people prepared to break stereotypes and wanting to question things we have always taken as law. What a wonderful find your blog was!

  7. I love what I’m reading. I look forward to future connections here and elsewhere.

  8. Oh this is a very interesting blog. I find feminist theology very thought provoking in that it attacks some of the more deeper misunderstandings that remain within institutional Christianity. That being said I believe you go too far in many places, but that it is nonetheless a thought provoking critique of conservative christianity.

    mmm I also find it interesting that you also were raised a fundamentalist. I also share that certain upbringing with you, and like you (if I understand correctly) I have also found myself driving from it in that it was limiting Christianity and the love of God, and while I have remained firmly orthodox in my theology, I have also found myself becoming more of a moderate in things of faith that I found the radicalism of fundamentalism went too far in.

    I applaud your sincerity and also exhort you to continue thinking and reconciling with your faith. What good is a faith, after all, if it is not our own.

  9. Sarah, I love following your journey wrestling with the fundamentalist oppression of women and the reconciliation of Christianity with female empowerment.

    Do you accept guest articles? I would love to write an article examining the female empowering aspects of scripture which are often overlooked or deliberately ignored in make dominated churches.

  10. Sarah, as a fellow human being I would love to be able to give you a HUGE hug for this blog. What insight! God created us humans to live in unity with one another without all of the “baggage” we seem to want to carry along. My favorite image is one of the planet earth taken from space…..such a beautiful blue world and the thing you don’t notice are any lines of separation………God didn’t make those……..we did. Thank you so much for your words of insight.


  11. I jumped over from Rachel’s blog. I just read 15 or so of your posts. I will be back to read more. You are well spoken and smart and seem to be peaceable in your efforts to push us all to see things that are real, if somewhat veiled by our prejudices and paradigms.

    I spend a great deal of my time mentoring a few college age Christian women, women who are keen of sight and socially conscious and finding their feet as leaders in the church and not as second class ones. I hope to dialog with you here, maybe consult you at times for insight?

    Glad to have made my way over. You have a beautiful heart and mind.


  12. I’m Godwin Delali and I equally invite you to my blog at God bless you always. Amen.

  13. You are totally hilarious. I’m so glad I found your blog!

    And I’m super impressed that you’re a student AND finding time to blog. I work with college students and I don’t know many who would be able to set aside time to write like you do (especially as a music major!).

  14. Hey Sarah,
    I just read the entire home page of your blog and wasn’t sure where to comment, so I thought I’d comment here. I agreed with a lot of things you said. I also disagreed with a lot of things you said. But in the end, Love wins and I find myself drawn to your and your writings. You’re very talented at expressing your feelings. I love that you’re edgy – not afraid to tackle the difficult subjects, and not afraid of the response you may receive. I think God smiles upon your honesty as he smiled upon those the pharisees judged. As He smiles upon this wayward girl from time to time. I’m sure I’ll be back here in the future.

    • I’m glad you liked it! And feel free to disagree! I think that being able to love and understand those who disagree with us is much more important than being right or wrong!

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